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  • Writer's pictureAmelia Parker

Tada! Release Day!

Good afternoon my lovely readers! I bring great news to you, a day early! PROPHECY OF THE MOUNTAIN LION is currently LIVE on Amazon! Head on over to get your paperback or ebook copy today! AND to celebrate the release of book 2 in the Knox Brothers series, I have scheduled THE ROAD TO HER TRUE MATE to go on sale! Starting tomorrow (7/11) the ebook will be FREE thru Monday (7/13). I know! Crazy right?! (Because of stupid Amazon, I can't start the sale today. Tomorrow is the best they'll let me do.)

Thank you for being so patient with me when I had to push back my release date. Sometimes things take a little longer than we anticipate. So to thank you for this patience, I've set up this sale for you. Head over to Amazon to grab your copy! All I ask is that you drop a review on which ever platform you prefer. Reviews are a writers bread and butter y'all.

Have a fantastic Friday! Until next time!


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