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  • Writer's pictureAmelia Parker

Happy Fall Yall!!

October is in free swing down here. We've finally left the super hot temps. and have moved to just the regular hot temps. (If you are from the South, you know what I mean!) But this means one of the best holidays is right around the corner-HALLOWEEN!! I love the holiday. The decorating to dressing up in fun costumes. My family has a blast with it! We go all out decorating the house and just have fun. Trips to local fall festivals and pumpkin patches are on our docket for the month! I'll try and keep yall updated on how that all turns out.

Now to the business of things. The Mating Clause is back to full price on Amazon. I know. So sad. But fear not! it is still free on KU so go check it out! After you've devoured it, please leave a review. (They are really helpful to me!) I've started the next book in the series so stay tuned for sneak peaks and updates! My goal is to have it finished and published by Christmas. (That is the plan but we shall see!)

Drop a comment here, on Facebook, ask me a question on Goodreads, email, or write a review on Amazon! I love to hear from you!

Until nest time!


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