I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving yesterday! Sorry for no post yesterday but with all the traveling to all my dinners, and having ah house full of company, there was just no time! So for that, I am sorry!!! We had company come in on Monday which meant 3 Thanksgiving dinners this year. Three!! That's what happens when your parents are divorced and you need to hit everyone up for that turkey and pie! Today is the first day that I've had to take a few minutes and breathe. Due to that, the finished manuscript of my next book has not gone to my Beta readers. (It's actually not done yet! Oops!) I'm hoping to have it sent out within the next few days, so fingers crossed! As always, I'll keep you updated on my progress! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday if you are one of those crazies that goes out into that madness! (I am not, but i will shop the online deals. There is absolutely nothing in a store that could make me battle Black Friday Shoppers.)
Until next time!